Hullabaloo is an animated steampunk adventure film staring female protagonists Veronica Darling and Jules who use their wits, courage, and science during their journey. I don't want to go on too much about it here, because you need to get to its Indigogo page go check it out.
Here are a few more details, though. Hullabaloo is the personal project veteran Disney animator James Lopez, who has worked on films like The Lion King with Disney. His vision is to create a fantastical steampunk adventure and to promote interest in traditional 2D animation.
The project has already gained its funding, so at this point, it's a matter of helping Lopez take the film farther, and to get some great backer rewards. With just $5, you'll get an advanced online screening of the film. The $125 reward includes a pair of steampunk sunglasses. At $5,000, you'll get producer credit on the film. Rewards are cumulative; at each tier, you get all the rewards from the lower tiers.
I'm excited about seeing the film when it's finished, and I think you will be, too!
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