Sunday, July 4, 2010

Much To Do

I found out the date of my Midpoint Review!  It's July 14, giving me enough time to get my updated proposal done, and to create a power point presentation.  I need to get these things done in the next few days, and sent in to the University.

In addition, I have indeed started writing a Bodacious Creed graphic novel!  Why do I have a feeling that this is going to be the best piece of fiction I've ever written?

While Bodacious Creed is my major project, I do have a couple of others I'm working on.  First, I've been wanting to create a comic strip for awhile.  I've started one, which I'll be doing infrequently, called In Geek Time.  Enjoy!

The other is a new YouTube show that one of my good friends and I are going to produce.  He's writing the script, and I've been working out how to animate it.  More on that later!

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