Sunday, August 28, 2011

Coconino, Much Progress

I said I probably wouldn't put up a new vlog until after the semester started, but I was wrong! So much for my powers of prediction.

Anyway, I did a bunch of work on Coconino, and here's the video.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Coconino To Do List

Having to do lists for Bodacious Creed and Anna Lynn Boyd was a tremendous help last semester. It kept me organized and made it so much easier to get those models finished and ready for posing.

So, now that I'm trying to finish Coconino before next semester starts, I think another to do list is in order.

So far, I have done a fair amount of low level sculpting on the coyote, using all the references I can find. I've downloaded a lot of pictures of wet coyotes, because the matted down hair gives me a good idea of the underlying form. I'm also using general dog anatomy pictures.

Over the last couple of days, I've gotten the body fairly well shaped, but left the paws alone. The result is that they look very cartoony. So, I'm working on them today. After that, here's what I can think of that needs to be done next:

1. Get details to a higher level. Though Coconino will be covered in fur, it's still a good idea to have the body looking good.
2. Texture the body.
3. Create claw models.
4. Model the mechanical parts.
5. Create the eyes.
6. Texture everything.

That's all I can think of now. I'm leaving the fur for later, and I'm not sure I'll get to that by the end of summer, anyway.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Summer Semester Final Vlog!

Here's the new vlog! I said I'd do it, and it took awhile, but it's done. LOTS of turntables here, and the instrumental version of Jonathan Coulton's "Better." I've been wanting to record another version with some friends, but I don't know if we'll have time, so I removed the vocals from the karaoke version.

I probably won't do another vlog until after the new semester starts, but will likely post some more blogs.


Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer 2011 Semester - DONE!

Seven weeks goes SO fast! The summer semester is over, and I'm happy to say that I got a ton of work done on Bodacious Creed. This blog is a testament to that. Still, I have even more work to show soon. If I have time, I'll share some images tonight.

My work this morning was pretty simple. I sculpted in the button holes on Anna's new clothes. I also redid the UV map for her body.

Anyway, it was a great semester. I really enjoyed working with Ann, who gave me great tips on what is expected of modelers int he movie industry. It feels great to have gotten so much done as well, and to see my work improving and coming along more quickly.

The new semester starts on September 1! So soon!

Friday, August 5, 2011

This Morning's Work

So, this morning, I created the base meshes for Anna's work clothes: skirt, shirt, vest, and vest collar.  I'll texture and sculpt them probably later tonight.  In fact, I should have them done by tonight or sometime tomorrow.

I also noticed that her eyes look like they're bulging to me.  I'm going to go over my reference photos, but I think I just need to pull them back very slightly in the head, then sculpt the eye lids around them a bit more, and maybe  bring the eyelids slightly closer together.

If you pay attention to the vlog, you know that I use Jonathan Coulton's song "Better" as the theme music. I've been using this tune since early on in the thesis, and I also plan to use it as the background music for the demo reel. I'd like to do a cover of it with some of my friends, but I'm not sure if there will be time. So, just in case, I thought I'd see if I could have the vocals removed.

I found Online Vocal Remover, which did a great job of it. If you want vocals removed from a favorite song, give this a try! I might even subscribe, though right now, this is the only one I need. I had to mention them in this blog in order to download the song, BUT, it really did do a fantastic job. Check it out!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Anna is Finished! Well, Mostly.

Well, what do you know?  I think that Anna is done!

I made her eyes today, and I just got done fitting the eye area to them, and adding a little detail there.  I don't want to go overboard on sculptural detail on Anna because she looks young, and is supposed to.  While I added some sculptural bumping to her face, it didn't look quite right, so I removed it.  I will probably add that subtle detail later in Maya with a bump map.

At this point, for the remainder of the semester (six days!) I plan to create her lab outfit, and if I have time after that, polish up some details on her and Creed.  When the semester's over, I'll work on Coconino and hopefully have him done by the start of the Fall semester.

I'll do some blogs soon, but possibly not until the semester is over.  Meanwhile, here's a picture of that eye area.  (The eyes just look like white balls because what you're seeing there is a model for the glossy look of the eye.)

Speaking of eyes, I don't think I shared this.  I added some detail to Creed's mechanical eyes that I think is a nice touch.

Anna is Finished!

Well, what do you know?  I think that Anna is done!

I made her eyes today, and I just got done fitting the eye area to them, and adding a little detail there.  I don't want to go overboard on sculptural detail on Anna because she looks young, and is supposed to.  While I added some sculptural bumping to her face, it didn't look quite right, so I removed it.  I will probably add that subtle detail later in Maya with a bump map.

At this point, for the remainder of the semester (six days!) I plan to create her lab outfit, and if I have time after that, polish up some details on her and Creed.  When the semester's over, I'll work on Coconino and hopefully have him done by the start of the Fall semester.

I'll do some blogs soon, but possibly not until the semester is over.  Meanwhile, here's a picture of that eye area.  (The eyes just look like white balls because what you're seeing there is a model for the glossy look of the eye.)

Speaking of eyes, I don't think I shared this.  I added some detail to Creed's mechanical eyes that I think is a nice touch.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Speedy Work

I really need to put up a vlog.  The thing is, I've been getting a lot done on Anna, and it's going so well, I haven't bothered to take the time to put together a video showing what I've done.

But, when I do have time to make a new vlog, it will show a lot of great stuff!

We're already in module 13 out of 15, and module 14 starts tomorrow!  So, just about a week left in this semester!  My goal is to get Anna done by semester's end.  If I don't, I'll get her done shortly after, but it's a good goal to shoot for.  Once she's done, I'll only have Coconino, the coyote, to finish modeling.  I plan to have him done by the time Fall semester starts, so that I'll go into that session ready to create all posed scenes and create the demo reel.

I'm working on the lacing for Anna's gloves now, so back to that.