Saturday, June 25, 2011

Movie Musings

I've been getting a lot done since Monday, when the summer semester started.  The thing is, it doesn't feel like I'm getting a lot done.  That's the nature of any sort of artistic work, I suppose.  It just takes longer than the artist estimates.

But yes, I am getting some done every day.  And once I get the hang of something like clothes stitching or painting in muscles, those tasks become easier and faster.

I'll get a video up in my YouTube vlog soon, and talk more details about the progress of Bodacious Creed soon.

For the moment, I wanted to briefly address a related topic.  Many writers and artists like to think about who would play their characters, if their project is ever made into a movie.  I'm no different.  I've been doing that game since I started writing short stories, then novels, years ago.

My dream duo cast for Bodacous Creed would be...

Hugh Laurie as US Martial Robert Creed


Anna Pacquin as Anna Lynn Boyd.

Can you see it?  I can. :)

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