Saturday, May 1, 2010

Seeking Concept Artist!

While my concept art for Bodacious Creed is serviceable, and is starting to show what I want to model, I've been encouraged by my instructor to find a professional concept artist.

You can check out my flier here:

Bodacious Creed Flier

Ideally, I'd like to find a graduate student in the illustration department at Academy of Art University. I can't pay... I am, after all, a student on a budget. If I had some extra money to burn, I would offer to pay, but again, I just don't have it.

Still, I think this is a great opportunity for some great illustrator to get extra exposure, create some great art for their portfolio, and to make a friend and professional contact for life. It will also be great experience in doing concept art for 3D Models, something that illustrators do for movies and games.

On a related note, I came up with another idea: Start a YouTube vlog to compliment and supplement this blog. I'll show progress on the thesis there, including illustrations, work flow, and models. Vince DeQuattro (my instructor and head of my department at AAU) thought this would be a great idea, so of course that has encouraged me to do it. I haven't started it yet, but will probably start that this summer.

Illustrators: You can contact me by commenting here or by leaving me a note on deviantArt, by going to the flier link above. I don't like giving out my email online, as I've gotten too much spam in the past. BUT, I do want to hear from you!

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