Sunday, May 23, 2010

End of Semester!

http:The Spring 2010 semester at Academy of Art University just ended!  Let me just take a moment to relax.

Not too long, though.  True, it appears I will receive an A for my Pre-production class, the class in which I developed this thesis, Bodacious Creed.  It was a lot of work, but so much fun, it didn't really feel like it.

I'll be signing up for my Midpoint Review in about a month, and doing the actual review in about two months.  Meanwhile, I have much to do.  Those things include:

1. Refining my thesis proposal.  A big part of this is working with illustrator Joshua Stewart, who is doing concept art for the project.  I'm also seeing if I can get another concept artist on board, someone who is a Masters student at AAU.  Joshua is fantastic, but I've been encouraged to also work with a school illustrator, if any come forward.

2. Creating models for my portfolio.  I really want to show what I am capable of come the time of my review.  I've been doing so much class work over the last few years that I haven't done enough personal, portfolio work.  I have some great ideas for this.

I may be entering various art contests too, when I see ones that would use my modeling, texturing, and lighting skills. Then, I could also use the pieces in my portfolio.

I plan to start working on the first Bodacious Creed vlog soon, too.  I'll let everyone know when that's up!

Here's a funny thing.  Yes, I realize that Bodacious Creed rhymes with Tenacious D, though I didn't realize this when I thought of the name.  You can bet that if BC becomes a movie, I'll want TD to write songs for it.

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