Wednesday, December 15, 2010

End of Semester!

It's hard to believe I've been working on my thesis, Bodacious Creed, for nearly a year!  I started in the Spring 2010 semester, developing the idea in Pre-production class.  Over the summer, I worked with illustrator Joshua J. Stewart to get concept art done for the project, and I presented my Midpoint Review.  I was asked to make a few changes, did so (with a few more great illustrations from Josh), passed my review, then worked hard on the models all this semester, Fall 2010.

The semester ends this week.  I will probably do some more work on my thesis over the break, yes.  But I will also be working on Couch Zombies.  We've got a great animation coming along soon.

Here's the latest Bodacious Creed vlog, showing my work for this semester.

Thanks for following me this far! One year down, one more to go!

And if you haven't done so, I hope you'll subscribe to this blog, the YouTube channel, and the Couch Zombies show!

Also, I know this economy is crap, for the great majority of us.  But if you've gotten anything out of this blog or the vlog, and you can afford it, please send a couple bucks my way via the tip jar link to the right.  I won't think any less of you if you don't, but I'll sure think the world of you if you do.

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