Saturday, February 6, 2010

Nice Advantage

Though I haven't received comments on my thesis ideas yet, I'm leaning heavily toward my initial idea. I want the theme/milieu of my project to be Steampunk in the American West. Think about it. Victorian times--Jules Verne, H.G. Wells--were in the late nineteenth to early twentieth century. The American West was still going strong then. Think "Back to the Future III" only darker, with lots more Steampunk tech. In this sense, I'm taking the general Steampunk genre only moving the usual focus from Victorian England to the Western United States at the time.

I looked up Steampunk books at Borders, and found this one:

Yes, I bought it. I thought it might have some cool jewelry styles that would give me ideas, but it has so much more. There are guns, toys, gadgets, and many other ideas. They would make great costume pieces, and will also give me lots to draw from for my thesis models.

My dad called me today to let me know he got a new computer. He's giving me his old monitor, so that I can use two monitors! That'll be great for my art, giving me expanded screen real estate, though I need to make the room on my desk!

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